Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Sekondi, Ghana

Sekondi, Ghana

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ghana Life

by dad

On Tuesday March 30th, Elder Darrow spent the day at the
Temple in Ghana. The Ghana temple was dedicated in January 2004. There are two temples in Africa: Ghana Accra in West Africa and the other one in Johannesburg South Africa. Thirty of the missionaries were attending the temple for the first time. Alex was able to do the work for his great grandfather, Charles Clyde. I got an email from the MTC President that said…

Elder Darrow is doing exceptionally well. He is mature, helpful and participatory. He is a great companion to Elder Mbithi who is from Kenya. We were in the temple in Accra with Elder Darrow today. He did a family name and participated in the baptism, confirmation, initiatory, and endowment. Then, he attended a sealing session where Sister Froerer and I acted as proxy for a couple and he acted as proxy for two children being sealed to parents. He, like me, sweats a lot. It is very hot and humid here. He is really doing very well.

The weather and adjustment to missionary life continue to be a theme. Alex wrote...

I remembered the Bishop telling me one thing. When you tell stories water them down. So… when I say it’s soo hot and I sweat in the shower. That’s a watered down version. Also I have noticed here in the MTC they aren’t very strict like being on time is more of a suggestion than a rule. It’s different (I think I’ll be saying that a lot). Also, we don’t have p-days here in the MTC. There’s not a whole lot of free time. I haven’t adjusted with the sleep yet or I guess I’m not used to the long days cuz I fall asleep.

All is well here. The people are so friendly. I just found out we are teaching investigators tomorrow. On the 4th and 5th we are leaving the MTC to teach a few hours. I pray a lot. There are so many things I need help with. I just hope God doesn’t stop listening. It’s crazy how He works in small ways. I know this is where I am supposed to be. I get scared thinking about talking to new people about the church but I just have to imagine I’m making a sale at Fanzz.

But yeah, I’m getting to know the Ghana accent. It’s the others I have a problem with. Besides South Africa (Elder Banda). He actually says my name right. Everyone calls me Dahrow. There are missionaries from U.S. France, (the other white kid) Nigeria, Madagascar, Congo, Cote’D Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Liberia, and Uganda. They all love talking to me. :-) (I’m white.)

Alex says...

It’s really cool to hear all about each country and how things work there. Elder Ghansa from Cape Coast has been so helpful and is doing a lot of Fante work with me. I almost have my testimony sounded out, and not just memorized. It’s different. There are lots of noises from the belly and throat. I’m learning my best. When I get it all done I’ll make sure you get a full out version.

I just wish you could see all this. Love you all so much


Lori B. said...

Nice, he has something in common with the MP. I can't believe how well he sounds. I wish we could all be there with him, instead of just
G-ma Joyce!

Marcus and Amy said...

Such an amazing mission! Alex is such a stud! I love that he pretended that he was making a sale @ Fanzz!

If the Jazz win while Alex is gone - I will have Marc get him a signed DWill something!!!