Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Sekondi, Ghana

Sekondi, Ghana

Friday, July 30, 2010

Meet Alex Acquah

by dad

(Elder Alex Darrow and Alex Acquah)

Alex is the grandson of Bro. Acquah. He lives with his grandfather and speaks no English. Bro Acquah was supposed to be a Chief , but instead, he joined the church a while back. He loves the missionaries. They have a lesson with him every Friday at 5 p.m. After the appointment, they have a Fu-Fu meal. This is the story Elder Darrow wrote a few months ago about his little buddy Alex Acquah.

This week we went to an appt with the Acquah family. They are one of the more rich Ghanaians around (and by more rich I mean like he has a decent house and a small farm) and they give us water (clean water) and sometimes coconuts, bread, mango etc. Well last time we went there this little boy came running out. He was poking me and such and I grabbed him and put him up on my lap. He loved it. He just sat there and stared at me. I looked at him and opened my eyes REAL wide and he looked at me and did the same. So cute. Then I smiled at him and he did the same. Then I frowned and he did the same. Then I grunted and he did the same. hahaha. I was loving it.

His name is Alex Acquah, he’s maybe 3-4. I leaned in real close to him to look him eye to eye and he did the same. Then he touched his little noggin to mine and just stared at me. It was so freakin adorable. I fell in love with this little kid. I was sweating like crazy and when our heads were touching my sweat was running off my face onto his and down his cheeks. He didn’t care. He was just so curious with me. He just chilled in my lap during the lesson the whole time. He played with my hair and was touching me and just making sure I was normal. Then he started to play with my face (like the lost boys did to peter pan ... see Hook). He just played with my face and was so curious. hahah loved it.

At the end of the lesson they gave us some water. The water is in these plastic pouch things. They hold 1/2 a liter. So I drank what I wanted as the little boy watched and I gave him the last little bit. He loved it. After saying the cutest thank you he drinks it all and when he was done he grabbed my (nicest Ike Behar) tie and wiped off his mouth and face with it like it was no big deal. I just freakin melted. shah I didn’t care at all and it was just so cute. oh man.


Marcus and Amy said...

I really wouldn't be surprised if he tried to bring a little kid home with him! Love that story!

Nicki said...

That is a sweet story! Love love love that picture of Alex with E Darrow.