Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Sekondi, Ghana

Sekondi, Ghana

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

by dad

The regular weekly email was filled with gratitude of 'support from home' and insight on the day-to-day life as a missionary. He continues to tell stories of little children that melt his heart and he's unceasingly enamored with Ghana. He is thoroughly enjoying his experiences. Here’s some of his thoughts...

Allright, a big huge fat THANK YOU for the packages that were sent. On Thursday night the lambs came back from Accra and stopped by the mission home. My mail came. I got 7, count them 1, II, 3, IV, 5, 6, VII! It was so flippin awesome. We put on Christmas music and I was a little kid all over again. I got Grandmas package and that was completely awesome. I got Steph’s packed with the tuna and malaria meeds, and memory cards. I also got 2 of the 3 of the packages full of ties from the Hammers. Big, big thank you. That stuff is so awesome. Also the summer sausage that was slipped in makes for great add in to my egg sandwiches. I also got 3 from Hales. Lots of fun goodies that I love so very much, but I’m actually happy you don’t send them cuz it reminds me how addicted I was to them. But was so completely awesome. I really can’t thank you all enough. So awesome so again... I THANK YOU ALL!!!

On Thurs. we had interviews. Was a very cool interview as always. Pres. Sabey rocks it. Come Fri. I was stuck with an epic cold but I had exchanges with e. Thompson to his area and I wasn’t about to miss that day. I trucked on all day. Not the smartest thing I have done but it’s over now.

As for an update with Marsha, she had a bap. date for Jan 18th. But to make a long story short, she’s 8th months prig (I thought she wasn’t that far along... but who knew?) Well with the added stress of that and always being so busy, the lessons have been a bit rushed and we/she wants to wait. I know she will be baptized someday, but she just wants to go a bit slower. So things are sweet there.

That’s about all for now. Once again thank you, thank you, thank you, for all that you do. The work is going along and I’m doing just fine.


elder darrow

1 comment:

Jillian said...

Oh my goodness...what a stud! He totally rocks.