Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Sekondi, Ghana

Sekondi, Ghana

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Alex's "Farewell"

by mom

Alex spoke in the Sego Lily Ward on March 14th. It was a beautiful meeting especially since we had a beautiful musical number from Nate Manning and then the Monson Men did the best version of Called to Serve ever done. And now for the unbiased opinion of the mom: Alex gave a beautiful talk about wanting to go on a mission and his testimony of Joseph Smith. He spoke from his heart and we couldn't have been prouder. Since we just recently became a part of Sego Lily Ward we were lucky to have a huge contingent from Ashley Park Ward also. These are the ward family who did everything from teaching him the gospel to braving many a scout camp with him. APW is the village that helped raise Alex. We couldn't have done it without you.
Many of Alex's good friends were their to lend their support and love and I can tell you he was truly touched by them being either at the meeting or at our home. As parents we are gratetful for those same friends because they have been an example and big part of Alex's life. We were also so glad to see several of Alex's coaches there. Alex has great love and respect for those men and also recognizes their influence.

Of course, family can always be counted on and we really appreciate everyone who helped just because they are amazing like that. It was a beautiful perfect day. I managed to keep it barely together except when I saw my friends and with one look you know that their hearts are just aching for you. What would we do without each other and without family? While I am aware that it is frowned upon to make a big deal out of this day, I will tell you that this will be a precious memory and strength for Alex on days when he is not feeling the love.
Thank you everyone for being there.


Ryan D said...

Too much Justice in the pictures : ) and notice my suit jacket doesn't get anywhere close to buttoning.

Nicki said...

What a touching post and so sorry to miss the day and be apart of it...

And holy crap! I just noticed that the "weather in Accra" reads 95 degrees at 6:05 in the morning!!! DANG, that's hot for 6am!

Molly, I love your take on the open house and I have to 100% agree with you! Thank you for sharing that thought. I'll have to remember that when Grant goes on his mission... in 16 years!

And I just have to say how frustrating it is that I can't click on and make your pictures big so I can see them... :(