Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Sekondi, Ghana

Sekondi, Ghana

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Loving my time here.

Just elder darrow...

(Elder Holmes and Elder Darrow - Kumasi, Ghana)

As for things here in Kumasi, I'm loving my time with e. Holmes. He is so very close with members, which is so important, so we have been seeing a lot of them. I’m doing my best to get close to them. It takes time though. We don’t have a ton of investigators. Mostly cuz every time we have someone who speaks Twi the other companionship takes them cuz e. Adu-Gymfi speaks Twi. So it’s just easier. So don’t have a ton of people to teach but I’m sure we will soon.

We do have a solid family we are teaching. Sister Julie (who isn’t a member) is trying to get married to her husband who is a member. They are planning on getting married the beginning of March so hopefully that will come thru. Their son is Kingsford. He is the little boy who I met at church last week. He is a stud and each time there I get closer with him. I love the kids. But no surprise!

One thing that I have noticed here in Kumasi is that the wards are a bit dysfunctional, but they have incredible faith and put in the work.

(Bantama - Kumasi Zone Jan 2011)

As for updates from Sekondi... I received a phone call from e. Matheson. He told me Marsha is being baptized on the 15th of this month and Pricilla has been pushed back to the 19th. So things are going just great back in the home town.

Also so you know, every single p-day I have long talks with e. Dadegon. He is so, so grateful for you guys. Every single letter he trips out. Thank you so much for doing that.

Not a whole lot more to say. Sorry we don’t have a ton of time.

Love you guys big time. And thanks again for all that you do.

elder darrow

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