Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Kumasi, Ghana - Tro-Tro Bus Station

Sekondi, Ghana

Sekondi, Ghana

Monday, September 6, 2010

Yup, I’m sitting on a tire, Welcome to Africa

by dad

When Monday morning rolls around I think I am as excited to receive an email as Elder Darrow is to send one. Not to mention every week is ‘a big week’ or ‘flippin sweet” or ‘the best week ever’. This is not to say that life in Ghana is always a bed of roses. He rarely complains, despite the rain and the heat, cultural and cuisine differences, cold showers and mosquito netted beds, and poverty. He does seem to have a greater sense and appreciation for the simpler things in life, like for instance, a chair.

Okay so it was a big week and another sweet week in the field. Had a lot of rain and the dry season is coming soon. Sigh..., which means "sweating becomes my new least favorite hobby” - (E Proctor).

Okay... now for the week in Sekondi and Kwekuma. I got to spend the week with elder Dadegnon, because elder Sintim was at meetings in Cape Coast. I love that guy so much. He is so Christ like. He just loves everyone and it’s a joy being around him. Teaching with him is different because his English isn’t up to par yet. He learned on mission, so talking with people he does fine but teaching is different. So I did a lot of teaching this week, but I don’t mind. ;) Had a lot of cool lessons with him and got to know his area so that was cool.

(Elder Darrow & Elder Dadegnon)

I have been worried about transfers. I love Sekondi and it’s my home and weird to think it could be over soon. There are a few people that I really wanted to see it all work out. One of them is Grace Bonson, a wife of a member. We heard that she wanted to be baptized on her birthday. We went by this week and asked her about it and she said that her b-day is on the 21st. :). Sooo, IF I’m transferred, I will be having a baptism the last day I’m in Sekondi. Hecka tight. Her and Meekel. And I’m very excited for both of them.

(Elder Darrow in Sekondi, Ghana)

This week we had a really cool lesson with Patrick. We have had some cool lessons with him. He is educated so that means we can teach more each sitting. We went by this week to teach the Plan of Salvation. We sat down and ask about the assignment he had. (If they don’t complete it by keeping their promise to God then we don’t teach. It’s hard at times, but really does weed out the people who aren’t serious.) He said his assignment was 2 parts: to pray about the Book of Mormon and then to read the introduction. So I say, "did you complete?" He smiles and says, "of course." I then ask him, “Why don’t you tell me how your prayers are going?" (A lot of people here wait to have some crazy vision or dream before they think it’s an answer to their prayers. I don’t know if that’s just Ghanians/Africans or the world. But it’s so weird. We often have to explain how they can get answers). Well he said, "I prayed and as I read the intro I felt like I couldn’t put the book down. I even went past where you told me to read.”

- At this point I have moved to the edge of the tire that I’m sitting on. Yup I’m sitting on a tire, welcome to Africa. I’m absolutely just giddy about it. - He continues and says “to be frank with you, I have found that just as it says on the front ‘Another Testament of Jesus Christ’, I have found that to be true. Just as you said it supports the bible.” - Now I’m looking around for someone to high five or even chest bump. - Then he says, "As for my prayers, I can see that my pray was answered." It was another one of those “All Worth It Lessons”! so sweet.

Thank you so much for the letters. I love mail so much. Really... thank you!
Love you guys so so much. Thanks again for all you do.

KKKSHH...... Over and out.

elder darrow


Marcus and Amy said...

Love it! Wish I could be there too and hear it all and witness someone "getting it".

High Five!


Elder Alex Darrow...
You rock! Keep on keeping on!! We are all so energized by your spirit and enthusiasm for such true work!!! You are the best,thanks for your sweet letter. I love you,
Aunt Deb

Jana E said...

He is doing great, love his letters.

Nicki said...

Thanks for sharing that special moment, Elder Darrow!
